Maternal Postpartum Care
Maternal Postpartum Care

The postpartum period covers the time period from birth until approximately six weeks after delivery. This is a time of healing and rejuvenation as the mother’s body returns to pre-pregnancy states. While you're busy caring for your precious new baby, it's important to take care of yourself, too giving birth takes a lot out of you!

Physical changes

After the birth of your baby, your doctor will talk with you about things you will experience as your body starts to recover.

  • You will have vaginal discharge called lochia (LOH-kee-uh). It is the tissue and blood that lined your uterus during pregnancy. It is heavy and bright red at first, becoming lighter in flow and color until it goes aware after a few weeks (10-20 days).
  • Swelling will gradually disappear within a week as your body eliminates the excess fluid you retained during the last few months of your pregnancy .You can reduce swelling by keeping your feet elevated when possible. they need 2-3 weeks.
  • Try to drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruits and vegetables to eliminate constipation.
  • Menstrual-like cramping is common, especially if you are breastfeeding. Your breast milk will come in within three to six days after your delivery.
  • Even if you are not breastfeeding, you can have milk leaking from your nipples, and your breasts might feel full, tender, or uncomfortable.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions on how much activity, like climbing stairs or walking, you can do for the next few weeks.
  • After birth you will lose about 3-5 kg right away and a little more as body fluid levels decrease. Gradual weight loss over several months is the safest way, especially if you are breastfeeding.
  • Make sure to talk to your doctor before you start any type of diet or exercise plan.
  • Many new mothers have the postpartum depression called "baby blues" after giving birth. Some of her signs (Feeling sad, depressed, being overly worried or not interest about the baby) these feelings are normal and usually go away quickly. But if sadness lasts more than two weeks, go see your doctor.
  • To avoid getting too tired as a new mother you may need to: sleep when your baby sleeps, and keep his crib near to you to make night feedings easier.
  • Make effort to focus on eating when you are actually hungry. Avoid high-fat snacks focus on eating proteins and fibers, small amount of carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids.

Vaginal care

New mothers should make vaginal care as essential part of their post partum care. you may experience:

  • Vaginal soreness you had a tear during delivery.
  • Urination problems like pain or a frequent urge to urinate.
  • Discharge, including small blood clots.
  • Contraction during the first few days after delivery.

Schedule a check up with your doctor after delivery to discuss symptoms and receive proper treatment. You should abstain from sexual intercourse for four to six weeks after delivery so your vagina has proper time to heal.

Sitz bath
Take at least three, 20 minutes sitz baths every day for the first 7 days.
The sitz bath speeds healing and relieves discomfort.
Test the water temperature with your wrist before you sit in it.
Used buffering method /the cold air from hair dryer to dry it well.

Incision care:
Keep your incision site clean and dry.
Call your doctor if you have any of these signs: drainage, redness, swelling or odor.
Always follow your doctor instructions.

Call your doctor if:

  • You have a fever over 100.4°F (38°C).
  • You have unusual abdominal or genital pain different than after birth cramps.
  • You have increased pain, swelling, redness, or discharge from an episiotomy or C-section cuts.
  • You are bleeding through more than 1 pad per hour.
  • The discharge from your vagina smells bad or itches.
  • You pass blood clots the size of a plum or larger.
  • Your breasts are red or warm, or there is an unusual discharge from the nipples.
  • You are unable to empty your bladder, or you feel a burning pain when you urinate.
  • Your legs are tender or red.
  • You have felt depressed or blue for more than 2 to 3 days.


"Post Partum Care." Recovering from Birth. N.p., Sept. 2010. Web. 9 Oct. 2016.
"Maternal Postpartum Care." The New Mother - Physical Changes. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.